Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery is often one of the most rewarding cosmetic procedures a woman can choose. In addition to relieving the multiple physical problems caused by large, heavy breasts, breast reduction in Springfield gives women enhanced self-esteem and access to a variety of new activities and clothing options. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Glen Brooks’ patients appreciate his extensive surgical experience, skill, and compassionate personality.

Breast Reduction
 Before & After Photos


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Your Improvements

Breast reduction surgery decreases the size of overly large breasts by removing excess fat, tissue, and skin, and reducing the size of the areolas, if desired. Women choose this procedure for a variety of personal reasons, which often include:

  • Relieving neck, shoulder, and back pain
  • Enhancing self-confidence and quality of life
  • Increasing clothing options
  • Alleviating self-consciousness

If you intend to become pregnant in the future, be sure to let Dr. Brooks know before your surgery. He will take extra care to avoid impact to the milk glands and optimize the possibility of future breastfeeding. It often makes sense to delay breast reduction surgery when you are planning to have children or lose a significant amount of weight.

For an all-over body enhancement, many women choose to combine their breast reduction with other cosmetic procedures, such as a breast lifttummy tuck or liposuction. During your consultation, Dr. Brooks will allow plenty of time to listen to your concerns and your cosmetic goals, and will then come up with a treatment plan tailored to you.

Dr. Glen Brooks

Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Glen S. Brooks combines advanced surgical techniques with a small-town friendliness that makes patients feel at home and confident. A Harvard-trained surgeon who's highly regarded by his peers. Dr. Brooks ensures that your goals and needs always come first.

Meet Dr. Brooks

What to Expect

Dr. Brooks performs breast reduction surgery as an outpatient procedure while the patient is under general anesthesia. The surgery is usually complete within 2 hours. You will need to have someone drive you home and help you around the house for the first few days afterwards.

Breast Reduction Recovery

While you will immediately notice your new, more compact breast shape, you will likely have some swelling and bruising for the first 1 to 2 weeks. You will need to wear a surgical support bra for about 2 weeks after surgery to minimize swelling and support your breasts as they heal. Within 10 to 14 days after surgery, many patients can return to normal daily activities, including work; they can usually resume more strenuous exercise several weeks later.

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The majority of Dr. Brooks’ breast reduction patients are thrilled with their smaller, shapely, and lifted breasts. Many of the symptoms caused by their overly large breasts resolve themselves soon after surgery. Although scars cannot be avoided, the scars from breast reduction surgery are well hidden and usually fade within the first year.

To find out if breast reduction could be right for you, request a consultation online with Dr. Brooks or call his office on the Longmeadow Town Green at (413) 565-4400.

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